I have an autoimmune illness that meant I spent my teenage year’s wheelchair-bound. Although I recovered enough to get out of the wheelchair, the resulting muscle weakness, combined with the effect the illness has on my joints (arthritis-type pain) meant that my body was very weak. In addition to this I have had back surgery and have metal implants in my back. Over the years I made various attempts to build my muscle strength back up, from training solo in the gym to attending regular bootcamp-type classes with other instructors. However I didn’t see much improvement, physically or aesthetically. Often I’d find myself in more pain than when I started because the exercises I was being told to do were unsuitable for my back and joint problems.
I started training with Triston in May 2016. Immediately I felt reassured that Triston completely understood my goals and would be able to help me achieve them. My health conditions mean I am not the easiest client(!) but Triston always takes the time to research and adapt exercises for my condition. I have complete faith in Triston’s knowledge, and his plans have always been completely tailored to my ability and goals. 18 months into training with Triston I can see a huge difference in how I look, but most importantly my overall strength is greatly improved and I can feel the effects of this in my daily life